south side
for life

It’s More than a Motto

Wes Jirovec

APX Hockey / Director of Player Development / Director of 16s, 18s, 18 Selects & College/Junior


Our staff is proud to see such a strong bond develop among our Athletes due to their incredible experience on and off the ice. Players who share the same aspirations and dedicate countless hours together grow friendships and buy-in to a “TEAM” mentality. To boost this camaraderie in the early stages of our program, we came up with a battle cry for our event teams that competed against opposition outside of our program — SOUTH SIDE 4 LIFE.  Since then, SS4L stands for much more than just our pride as a team and community. SS4L represents the lasting value of the knowledge being passed to our athletes.

Even for our youngest age groups, the curriculum that we organize and execute offers teaching points of longevity. Our development is aligned to help our players grow their game and continue moving up the ranks to the highest of levels. This includes our focus on developing high-character athletes. The lessons learned within our program about leadership, accountability, integrity and work ethic are ones that will benefit each athlete for the rest of their life both on and off the ice.

It is one of our greatest measures of success as a program to offer a healthy and competitive environment for all of our athletes regardless how high up they take their game. For well over two decades, we have a proven history of supporting player development at each of the peewee, bantam, high school, junior, college and pro levels. For those driven individuals that continue to climb the ladder of success in our game, we are proud to continue to offer support and an exciting atmosphere every step of the way. That’s what ‘SS4L’ means to many of our long-time athletes.