We place every athlete into the Tier that we believe will benefit them the most. The Tier that offers each athlete the greatest opportunity for growth is the one they will be placed in.

Our staff is constantly evaluating players and places each athlete into the best level that will aid in their own unique progression and individual skill development.

APX invite Development


  • High School - Players who competed at the 15U A level or HS Varsity as a 8th Grader or Freshman during the current hockey Season

    On-Ice & off-ice 3 days a week Summer, 3 days a week Spring/Fall

    3 Summer Tournament Opportunities

    The initial deposit will secure your athlete’s spot in the APX Invite Program

    *This initial deposit is non-refundable

  • College - Players who competed at the HS Varsity level as a Sophomore, Junior or Senior during the current hockey Season or played at the collegiate level

    On-Ice & off-ice 3 days a week Summer, 3 days a week Spring/Fall

    3 Summer Tournament Opportunities

    The initial deposit will secure your athlete’s spot in the APX Invite Program

    *This initial deposit is non-refundable


Dir of Player Development TIERS 16, 18, 18S & Jr/College


Should you be recruited for APX Invite, you will be sent a registration link and further instructions. We will stop recruiting for a Tier once it has been filled. For additional information email Wes Jirovec, APX Director and Lead Recruiter.