
APX believes in building athletes from the ground up. We begin by identifying and correcting areas of concern, such as muscle weakness, muscle or joint tightness, joint impingement, lack of joint mobility and incorrect movement patterns. By immediately addressing these issues, we can effectively create a more injury and fatigue resistant athlete. Once our members learn to position and move properly, our focus then turns to building upon their new foundation of strength, power and explosiveness. It is our belief that by training under the EVO Ultrafit protocols we can create a higher performing athlete.

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Our staff is always ready to train, promote competition and motivate the athletes. The APX Hockey trainers provide direction during workouts in order for the athletes to get the most out of each workout in a safe manner. The qualifications of our head trainers are as followed: CSCS Certification, TRX Certification, Spin Certification, College Degrees emphasizing training, working under some of the best strength coaches in the nation and many years of hockey at the highest of levels.

our staff is always ready to train, promote competition and motivate the athletes.

Off-ice training at APX focuses on increasing the individual’s athleticism in order to improve hockey skills, build confidence and prevent injury on the ice. After building a technical base, we focus on increasing the athlete’s rate-of-force. If you can move yourself faster down the ice or in small areas, you have a definite advantage. Off-ice development can be applied to any athlete of any age and any skill level; although, the training protocol will depend on the athlete’s personal fitness level, age, work capacity, commitment and goals.

The APX workouts consist of endurance, strength, speed and power training — centered on core stability and strength. It covers EVO Sport, lower body, upper body, plyometrics, core, speed, agility, quickness, yoga, TRX, interval training, shooting and stick-handling.